Leadership first. Technology second.
For over 20 years, we’ve provided IT leadership, management and support to small businesses across the UK.

Leadership first. Technology second.
For over 20 years, we’ve provided IT leadership, management and support to small businesses across the UK.
We help small business owners utilise IT as an intelligent, dynamic resource that connects seamlessly into their business, turbo-charges its operations and strengthens its value proposition.
Our 3-Tier Fractional Resourcing™ system provides each of our customers with a virtual IT department comprising a high-calibre IT director in charge of strategy, an experienced IT manager in charge of operations, and a small pool of technicians who handle support issues. Our customers get the full power of a properly resourced IT department - at a fraction of the cost.
We know that unless IT teams are well managed by experienced leaders, they tend to become ineffectual, expensive and fail to integrate new technologies. This leaves businesses at a major disadvantage against competitors who have IT leaders that are able to navigate the technology landscape successfully, and drive ever increasing levels of efficiency and innovation. That’s why at Unicorn we believe in leadership first, and technology second.
Ricky Reemer
Managing Director
Ricky is a passionate technologist with a background in tech startups, corporate IT and leadership coaching. Ricky loves working with entrepreneurs and helping them use technology to strengthen their propositions and streamline their operations. In 2005 Ricky founded one of the very first cloud computing platforms, ThinHost®, a pioneering virtual desktop service which he sold in 2012.
Anne Barrett
Operations Director
Anne is an efficiency guru and loves helping businesses think lean. She is responsible for all operations, outsourcing relationships, procurement and various strategic projects. She believes in having the customers’ best interest at heart and helping to build sustainable businesses where people want to work. Anne hosts a local business networking group and supports small business owners in her community.
Richard Smith
IT Director
Richard is responsible for ensuring client engagements are delivered with the highest level of quality and professionalism. Providing strategic oversight of all information technology activities, and working with IT service units across the business, Richard brings decades of experience and has a diverse background in both SME and corporate settings.
Johnny Thwaites
Commercial Director
Johnny is an experienced entrepreneur, a passionate anthropologist and loves helping business owners realise their visions. Since 1990 his varied career has seen him open an early years school, develop a media replication agency, launch a flash storage DRM start-up, a music publishing venture and a world-class video publishing platform.